
You want to find out what you really, really want? What kind of "career" or job in general fits you?
You are currently in a challenging situation, perhaps have taken on a new role or task and do not yet know how to deal with it?
You would like to position yourself differently?
You are faced with a difficult decision?
You are faced with change and want to master it well?

There is a variety of topics and reasons for coaching. Let's discuss together how I can support you.

Create the life you really want out of your ingredients!

How we work together
in coaching.

In my coaching sessions, I work according to the systemic coaching approach.
Depending on the topic, I use different methods - such as special questioning techniques, body work, breathing exercises, systemic constellation work, visualization or creativity techniques. I also integrate insights from neuroscience, learning psychology, etc. into my work.
My coachings are meant to bring refreshment, lightness and joy of life - even with serious topics. According to the motto "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade out of them" we look together what we can create with the lemons in your life!


What you get from

What is
systemic coaching?

"Problem talk creates problems, solution talk creates solutions." (de Shazer)

In our coachings we consistently focus on finding solutions and activating resources - not on rolling over problems and their (possible) causes. This way you achieve helpful results in a short time.

You are the expert for yourself and your life!

In my role as a coach, I will not tell you what to do or advise you on your issue. Instead, I will help you with very effective questioning techniques and methods to discover and develop solutions yourself. In this way, we ensure together that the solution we work out fits best for you in your particular situation - because everyone is different and needs something different.

Everything you need for the solution you already have within you!

As a systemic coach, I assume that you already have all the resources for solving a problem or successfully overcoming a challenging situation. Sometimes we simply don't have access to our resources - this is when impulses from outside help us to regain them.

It may be light and fun!

Personal development requires effort and often courage - but that doesn't mean it has to be hard and serious. I bring a lot of positive energy and creativity into my coaching sessions so that you can develop with ease.

When is coaching useful?

The issues people come to coaching with are as diverse as the people themselves.

A few examples:

When is coaching not useful?

If you do not want to question yourself and your behavior.

I ask many questions that show you new perspectives and new possibilities.

If you don't want to change anything about yourself.

The only person you can change is yourself.

If you're looking for a place to just vent your anger.

Of course, venting anger is perfectly fine - as long as it's not the only thing you're doing. I support you in finding solutions.

If you are looking for someone to tell you what to do.

No one knows better what is right for you than yourself. To find out what is right for you - that's where I support you.

How does this actually work?
Zu Beginn führen wir ein unverbindliches Kennenlerngespräch. Dabei klären wir, wo Du gerade stehst, wo Du hinwillst und ob die Chemie zwischen uns passt. Wenn ich Dir bei Deinem Thema weiterhelfen kann, erstelle ich dann gerne ein individuelles Angebot für Dich.

Bei den meisten Coachings geht es um eine Veränderung - und das braucht erfahrungsgemäß etwas Zeit. Daher biete ich vor allem Pakete über mehrere Monate an.

Buch Dir ein kostenloses Gespräch mit mir - dann schauen wir, was für Dich passt.
Unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch vereinbaren
How does this actually work?
Alles, was wir im Coaching besprechen, unterliegt der Schweigepflicht und wird von mir vertraulich behandelt.

Gut zu wissen: Bei einem berufsbezogenen Anliegen übernimmt Dein Arbeitgeber gegebenenfalls die Kosten für das Coaching. In jedem Fall kannst Du die Kosten bei der Steuererklärung absetzen.

Buch Dir ein kostenloses Gespräch mit mir - dann schauen wir, was für Dich passt.
Unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch vereinbaren

"Nothing changes. Until you change yourself. And suddenly everything changes."


"Luisa has helped me to become aware of my strengths, with which I go on the job market.
I am thrilled how Luisa has managed to raise my awareness of what I have already achieved so far with targeted questions and coaching methods.
She has convinced me with her competence, her joie de vivre and her authenticity!"

Jule, Master Student

Lass uns sprechen!

Lass uns bei einem virtuellen Kaffee (oder einer Limonade) besprechen, wie ich Dich unterstützen kann – natürlich unverbindlich und kostenlos. 

Für die Reihe Gesundheit unter vier Augen der Techniker Krankenkasse durfte ich Miriam Davoudvandi in Bonn begrüßen und mit ihr über das so wichtige Thema „Gesunder Egoismus“ sprechen. 

Viel Spaß beim Anschauen!

Und mehr zu dem Thema findest Du hier bei mir im Impuls-Cafe: 


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