For companies
"When you treat people as they are, you make them worse.
When you treat them as they could be, you enable them to reach their full potential."
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
What Limonata Coaching
can do for your business.
- Employees who grow beyond themselves
- Employees who react flexibly to change
- Employees who take responsibility
- Development and strengthening of competencies such as self-reflection, leadership, communication and decision-making
- Strengthening the employer brand through attractive offers for professional development
Service portfolio
Systemic Coaching
for leaders, specialists & teams on topics such as
- professional and personal development
- dealing with challenging situations (changed requirements, first leadership role, own positioning, digitalization, working in the context of New Work ...)
- female leadership & women in leadership positions
- team collaboration
- change processes
For more clarity, more powerful decisions and successful achievement of their goals.
on topics such as
- Leadership
- Communication
- Feedback
- Selection interviews
- Personal development
- New Work
- Scrum
- Design Thinking
- Online tools for virtual workshops
Consulting on personnel selection and development
- Conducting requirements analyses
- (Further) development of competence models
- Design and implementation of potential analyses
- Consulting on tools for personnel development
Facilitation of workshops & change processes
- Support for the introduction of agile methods, e.g. Scrum
- Facilitation of Design Thinking processes
All services are available offline and online.
"I really loved the commitment Luisa had to our program. I felt she was a part of the team, putting all her passion into designing an experience that was truly valuable. I would gladly work again with her if the chance arises."

"[...] Apart from that, I can report positively that we have already incorporated some aspects of the training into other, smaller rounds and are really enthusiastic about the effects that supposedly small interactive elements have - so it was really worthwhile for us. [...] A big thank you goes to you for that - for all the tips and especially the recommendation to just trust ourselves. [...] And when you realize that the concept works, that's always a great moment. It has also proven that you don't need many tools, but that it is enough to use two well. In this respect, we would like to say a collective thank you once again for the consulting, which really brought us a long way forward and, above all, gave us a great amount of security and confidence!"
Teilnehmerstimmen nach Workshops
"Luisa tackles processes that have not been questioned due to the typical "we've always done it this way" reasoning with creativity and a fresh mind. Every project in which I was allowed to work with her was characterized by her unbelievably warm nature on the one hand and her will to align everything to the highest possible standards on the other. I am sure that in her new job she will be able to support many people and organizations with her talent to tackle things in a charming way, but with great determination, and thus help a lot of people. I hope we will have another chance to work together on a project."
Theresa RombachHR Consultant & Product Owner
"Luisa provided me with individual guidance in building my skills for delivering online training. In particular, her attentiveness, patience and direct response when support was needed were very helpful to me and are highly recommended."

"The seminar yesterday you have done really great!!! You are with so much enthusiasm and can convey your knowledge very well, I find very great!"
"It was a pleasure to get new input and to be accompanied so wonderfully by you!"
"Many beautiful impulses!"
"I also find the additional material that you provide great - that alone makes your offer very valuable and recommendable."
"Incredibly inspiring!"
"It was a pleasure to get new input and to be accompanied so wonderfully by you!"
"Many beautiful impulses!"
"I also find the additional material that you provide great - that alone makes your offer very valuable and recommendable."
"Incredibly inspiring!"
Feedback from participants attending my trainings and workshops
„Wenn ich Luisa einen Hashtag geben würde, würde ich #Zukunftsmacherin wählen: Ich habe Luisa kennengelernt als eine Person, die nicht nur mitgeht, wenn sich neue Wege auftun, sondern sie ist oft diejenige, die diese neuen Wege entdeckt oder erfindet. Sie fackelt nicht lange, sondern probiert einfach neue Sachen aus. Ich bin dankbar, dass ich ein Teil davon sein durfte, mir vieles davon abschauen konnte und ihre Impulse genießen durfte.“
Maximilian SobetzkoHR Consultant, ITB Consulting GmbH

What topic are you and your company dealing with right now?
I am looking forward to your message!
About Luisa Bergholz
My passion: supporting people in their personal development.
- Über 10 Jahre Erfahrung als HR-Beraterin, Trainerin und Coach
- Broad sector experience (including universities, public institutions, banks, retail, industry)
- Qualifications: studies in psychology, certified coach, train-the-trainer, Certified Scrum Master